Coaches’ Meeting
27, 2015
The agenda for the annual meeting shall include:
a. Annual report of the Association
given by the Executive Director
Nancy welcomed everyone and began the meeting. We
have 11 varsity teams, 10 JV teams, 3 MS
teams. 8 individuals. Discussion of why numbers are down. Wants to get a PR manager
to send out postcards or e-mails to all the high schools. But she’s busy, so need a PR person.
b. League reports
Portland League:
Stephen Runion
says 22 total teams this year (20 last year).
Wilson won the A division
LaCenter won B division.
LaCenter new team from Washington. Pacific Crest
is new. Happy Valley Middle School, Reserve team set up to play games to avoid byes. Five rounds of swiss, then 8 rounds of
round robin.
Difficulty getting more advisors in schools.
Parents have difficulty getting through the red tape if you have no faculty member
who will be involved.
Midwestern League:
Chris Bolton reports that it was a successful season,
but lost two teams. 85 kids playing. 8 teams this year, added Roosevelt this year. 8 week round robin, starting in Dec. South
Eugene won the championship. Better established in the schools, some schools are giving out letters. They get transportation
fees now.
Chris Bolton will be new director.
Southern League:
Keller: Still trying to put it together, travel time big issue. Using chess.com
Reedsport has a team together and is considered
the league winner. North Bend is trying to get started.
c. Tournament
New site, Andre helped locate it. Costs $500.00.
Busses got ticketed for being oversize, but that will be negated. I like the
site as a college to expose the players to. Nice big tables, not too noisy. There was no food today but will be tomorrow.
There was a problem with skittles seating; custodians
were helping get more tables and chairs.
There was some difficulty finding the tournament
hall site. Sorry there was no coaches’ room.
Some discussion of desirability of having tournament
at a high school so we get a local coach helping as a tournament organizer. Problem was only two possibilities, but neither
could do it.
Discussion over whether to have tournament
later in season, like April.
Wifi has been sketchy.
Having OSCF boards available helped with getting
an ontime start.
Financial report:
Jon says we’ve lost money this year, about
$700.00. Collected just over 2,000, expenses 2700, will finish with a balance of about $1900.00.
d. Committee reports
Committee to look into OSAA? Chris Bolton, committee
chair, Randy Smolensky member.
e. Tournament Organizer’s report
f. Elections
Nancy says if anyone wants to take over as ED. No
James and Jon asks of anyone would take over as
secretary and treasurer.
g. Amendments to the Constitution
Ed would like out of state players or teams to play.
Open it up, not leave it only to Oregon. LaCenter would have wanted to play with us. Motion was put forward but not seconded.
James made a motion to form a committee to explore
the idea of having the team tournament be open style, including teams from out of state. Motion was seconded. Vote did not
Discussion about whether to combine classifications
when only one team is in it.
Unless there are a minimum of three teams in a JV
or Varsity classification then that classification will be bumped upwards for the purpose of awards until the minimum number
is met. Proposal passed.
h. The
date and potential sites for the following year’s tournament
Seems like a lot of conflicts with the date. Lots
of discussion on this.
Chris Bolton says Junction City could be venue for
next year. Might be able to have wifi, would have food. In between Corvalis and Eugene. Should be no charge.
i. Other items of interest to
the members