Friday, March 3rd &
Saturday, March 4th
Hillsboro High School
3285 SE Rood Bridge Rd, Hillsboro, OR
Interested in hosting a future event?
The tournament is open to all
Oregon students in grades 6-12, whether they have participated in a league or not. Please check our bylaws to learn
more about tournament eligibility. To find out the OSAA designation for your school, visit http://www.osaa.org/schools/
There are two sections in the tournament that all Washington students in grades 6-12 are eligible for,
whether they have participated in a league or not: The Open team and Individual sections.
VARSITY Teams may be formed
of students who attend school or reside in Oregon high schools, grades 9-12. One team per high school allowed.
JUNIOR VARSITY Teams may be formed
of students who attend school or reside in Oregon schools, grades 6-12. One team per high school allowed. Teams made entirely of middle school students may also register to play in this
INDIVIDUAL Open to Oregon and Washington students grades 6-12.
OPEN Teams may be formed by any group of students who attend school or reside in Oregon
or Washington, grades 6-12.
Titles Awarded: State High School chess team titles will be awarded in the Varsity and JV
sections to the overall section winner (overall state champion) and according to OSAA Classification (top score amongst 6A
teams, top score amongst 5A teams, etc.).
on the team will be assigned a rating based on their highest established rating in the NWSRS and USCF. If both are established
or neither is established, we will assign the higher of the two. If a player is not rated in either system, they will be considered
unrated and receive a rating per NWSRS guidelines of 100 points per grade (example - grade 10 = 1000 rating on unrated
For purposes of pairing/seeding, the team's average rating will be used.
Registration deadline - Wednesday, March 1st
Absolutely no unregistered teams will be accepted at
the door. Knowing who is coming beforehand is key to ensuring we start on time. Coaches must bring
the certification letter from their school (no exceptions) with all players listed or they will not be allowed to play.
All teams must present their first round lineup via email by midnight
Wednesday, March 1st. Teams who fail to present their first round lineup will forfeit their first round, unless prior
arrangements are made with the Executive Director. Last minute changes may not be approved due to time schedule.
Friday, March 3rd
3:30pm-5:00pm: Check-In at Hillsboro High School
5:00pm: Player's meeting
5:30pm: Round 1
8:00pm: Round 2
8:15pm: Coaches' meeting
Sat, March 4th
9:00am: Round 3
11:30am: Round 4
2:00pm: Round 5
5:00pm (approx): Awards ceremony
Individuals will play on the same schedule as teams.
ONLINE: Registration online is very simple
and only takes a few minutes. Submit the form by Friday, February
17th to get the early-registration price. Fees and the authorization letter can be mailed to the OHSCTA treasurer:
Jon Nuxoll, Marist
High School, 1900 Kingsley Road, Eugene,
OR 97401
Provided you have already submitted your online registration form, instead
of mailing your check and the authorization letter to the treasurer, you may bring it to the tournament. But remember,
to receive the early registration discount, we need to have your registration form submitted by Feb 17th. Also,
all registrations must be made no later than Wednesday, March 1st--no onsite registrations are allowed.
REQUIRED INFORMATION ON TOURNAMENT DAY: School contact info, coach contact info, team roster (for every team), team captain
names, signed letter of certification on school letterhead from your superintendent, principal or athletic director listing
each player by name and their qualification (see bylaws for additional information). You must have this
information with you in order to play in the Varsity or JV Division.