BEGINNING BALANCE (Sept., 2009): $2,446.53
Website (reimbursement to Jon Nuxoll) $14.95
Trophies $1,721.49
Tournament expenses (hospitality, other—reimbursement
to Steve Kilston) $448.47
Tournament director/assistant TD $400.00
TD travel expenses $125.00
Postage (reimbursement to Kate Taylor) $51.80
Annual state fees (registration for nonprofit corporate
status) $60.00
Tournament receipts $2,708.00
Swiss system software payments (from Marshfield, Sherwood—this
reimburses OHSCTA for software it purchased the previous year
on behalf of and with reimbursement from several schools) $110.00
TOTAL 2009-10 EXPENSES: $2,821.71
TOTAL 2009-10 INCOME: $2,818.00
ENDING 2009-10 BALANCE (Aug., 2010): $2,442.82
Submitted by OHSCTA Treasurer Jon Nuxoll, April, 2011