Oregon High School Chess Team Association

2012 Coaches' Meeting




a. Annual report of the Association given by the Executive Director


  • Andrei Botez, having completed his first year as Executive Director, stated that things were going well and nothing noteworthy to report.
  • Financial report was given by Treasurer Jon Nuxoll. He said the tournament receipts were $2,533.00, and that it looked like expenses for the year would be in the same range and that our checkbook balance would likely be about $2,600.00 after the tournament. 


b. League reports


  • Portland League: Clackamas took first
  • Mid-Western League: Willamette took first
  • Southern League: Nancy Keller said the Southern Leage was struggling. 

c. Tournament issues:

  • Things were going smoothly, nothing to report.

d. Committee reports:

  • There were no active committees this year.

e. Tournament Organizer's report:

  • Randy Smolensky had nothing noteworthy to report and was thanked for his work oreoaring the site for the tournament.

f. Elections:

  • Andrei asked for who would be next to replace him as Executive Director of OHSCTA. However, no one having stepped up. Andrei was forced to put off that decision.

g. Amendments to the Constitution:

  • Discussion was had about whether to extend the championship tournament window. Thoughts were voiced that ranged from leaving it as is to having there be no restriction and simply allow the tournament dates to be set each year soley at the discretion of the Executive Director. In the end the consensus was that the window should be extended enough to provide more flexibility, and the new window should run between February 15th and April 15th. A vote was had amongst those present, and the amendment passed 10 votes to 2. 

h. The date and potential sites for the following year's tournament:

  • Discussion was had on this. La Salle College Prep coach Dennis Petersen offered his school as the site, and this was accepted. The dates set for the 2013 championships were for Friday, March 8th and Saturday, March 9th.      

i. Other items of interest to the members:

  • There was a discussion about awarding plaques for OHSCTA coaches. To avoid the expense, the consensus was that certificates would be preferrable.
  • There was discussion of the idea of making and sending out postcards to promote OHSCTA. To avoid the printing and postage expense, consensus was that these were best done via e-mail.
  • There was a discussion about having an OSCF tournament  for teams in Portland to replace the 35 and Rainy team tournament that would no longer be held by Dan Dalthorp. Nothing was decided on this. 

"Winning is the science of being totally prepared." – George Allen